Call For Speakers

If you want to speak at Kamailio World Conference 2025, please fill in and submit the form on this page. Accepted speakers must comply with the terms and conditions of the event..

The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025.

Acceptance of speaking proposals will be notified latest by March 19, 2025.

Note that the interesting proposals will be accepted in short time after submission (it is planned to have two intermediate review sessions), therefore do not wait until the deadline, submit yours as soon as possible, otherwise you may not get any free slot by a late action.

At the previous edition, the number of proposals exceeded available slots. In order to ensure quality and diversity of the content, the main guidelines to select the submissions are:

  • only one speaker is allowed per presentation slot (other registered participants can assist during the presentation)
  • only one presentation per company or related group of companies and projects
  • only presentations that are not featured at other events between three months before our call for speakers submission deadline and three months after Kamailio World 2025
  • for a list with topic suggestions, scroll down below the submission form

Speaking Proposal Submission Form

    Title (required)

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Presentation Topic

    Presentation Title (required)

    Presentation Description (required)

    Speaker Bio (required)

    Link To Photo

    Accepted speakers have free access to Kamailio World Conference 2025. Traveling, health insurance for European Union and accommodation expenses during the event are not covered by the organizers, they have to be taken care by each speaker. Furthermore, should it be needed, the organizers cannot help obtaining traveling visa to European Union, the speaker has to take care of everything.

    Topic suggestions:

    • Real Time Communications: use cases and challenges
    • VoIP security
    • scalability of RTC services, cloud deployments and elasticity
    • RTC for mobile networks: 5/6G, IMS, VoLTE, VoNR, OTT
    • WebRTC
    • next generation emergency services (NG112, NG911)
    • connected devices, smart cities low latency networks, industrial campus networks
    • SIP beyond VoIP: instant messaging, presence, IoT
    • tools and systems for testing, management and monitoring
    • artificial inteligence and machine learning
    • like for the past editions, we welcome very interesting presentations beyond those subjects!

    Note that it is not a must to present something related to Kamailio, but they have higher priority in selecting the accepted proposals.

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