
New Logo for Kamailio Project

As of today, December 16, 2015, the Kamailio Project is officially using a new logo.


Different formats and 3D artwork of the new logo can be found at:

You can read more about the new logo at:

This refresh of look suits perfectly with the start of preparations for the next Kamailio World Conference, allowing the organizers to use the new logo in promoting the event.

Meanwhile, we wish you a relaxing and a great time during the winter holidays!

The 4th Kamailio World Conference, May 18-20, 2016, in Berlin

The 4th edition of Kamailio World Conference and Exhibition will take place in Berlin, Germany, during May 18-20, 2016.


Expect an event with over 150 participants from across the world, each of them with a rich experience in real time communications and related technologies.

Having a limited space to accommodate the attendees, based on the growth of the previous editions we expect to be fully booked before the start of the event. You can see more details about past edition on the website of Kamailio World 2015.

Soon we will launch the Call for Papers campaign and the registration is expected to be open by mid of January 2016.

Being a special edition to celebrate the 15 years of Kamailio development, we aim to do a closer collaboration with Fraunhofer Fokus and NGNI competence center, the place where the project was started in 2001. The program of the event will include trips to the institute for visiting their research playgrounds and see demos of bleeding edge technologies.

More details will be published in the near future, keep an eye on this website!

Kamailio World 2015 – Summary



Kamailio World 2015 has shown a growth in number of participants, filling the capacity of the nice location at Fraunhofer Forum Berlin. We have received great feedback about excellent content of workshops and presentations as well as quality of participants.

For those that missed the event, the videos for all sessions during Kamailio World 2015 are available on YouTube channel KamailioWorld.

36 recordings show what has been presented and discussed during the two days and a half of workshops and conference.

The presentations are uploaded to Kamailio’s events repository.

Big thanks again to our sponsors and participants for making possible to organize the event again and contributing to be a very successful one.